Friday 25 February 2011


My wonderful friend Maxine bought me a very thoughtful gift for Christmas, which I only just got round to trying out a couple of weeks ago. This was the result...

They are cake moulds in the shape of cups. CUP-cakes! And they even come with these adorable matching saucers to serve said cupcakes on. terribly British.

I felt massively smiley when I proudly rescued these from the oven, and was doubly pleased to enjoy the tasting process :)

Thursday 10 February 2011


There is nothing more indulgent than treating yourself to a nice hot bath or shower after a long day, especially if you've got a range of spa-worthy products that you look forward to using.

I've been a massive fan of Soap & Glory products for years now, but those creative geniuses just keep producing more gems for me to try out. And with 3 for 2 at Boots on all Soap & Glory products right now, what better excuse?!

This product makes me SO happy it's unreal. And while, yes, it does do a fantastic job of leaving skin silky smooth (in fact, this is easily the best scrub I've ever used), that's not the reason I use it. The scrub is heavily scented with an overwhelmingly delicious maple syrup smell, which means I absolutely cannot wait to jump straight in the shower every morning. It puts me in the best mood before work - there really is no way you can be stroppy when you smell like a pancake. Nom nom nom.

Wednesday 2 February 2011

The Happiness Project

On my recent excursion to Waterstones, I stumbled into the 'dreaded' self-help section. I can never quite understand why it is imperative that I not be seen here, maybe because I'm not:

a) quitting smoking
b) a sex addict
c) recently divorced

But anyway, I was simply looking for another book to do with finding happiness. So far I've read The Power and The Secret (by Rhonda Byrne), and another book called Read Me, I'm Magical (can't remember author's name sorry). These have been great, but instead of reading someone laying down the laws of banishing negativity etc, I am really looking to find someone else's real life experience of looking for happiness themselves and how they set out to achieve it.

I really am finding that setting the goal of 'be happier' is quite ambitious if you don't know what you're doing!

In said self-help section, I noticed a book titled 'The Happiness Project'. Ooh, now I'm listening. And this very book looks to be exactly what I have been looking for. The author, Gretchen Rubin, has been on her own personal quest and tells us all about her experiences so far. Unfortunately I didn't have enough pennies at the time to make the purchase, but I've found the website today...

and I am absolutely made up to see that Gretchen has started a campaign, The 2011 Happiness Challenge - I have obviously signed up :)

It's really great to see all the comments people have made about how they vow to make 2011 happier years for themselves and the goals they have pledged. Anyone can join, go for it!