Wednesday 9 March 2011

Good Times and Resolutions

Hope everyone had as much fun on pancake day as I did! There was red wine and American pancakes a-plenty at our pancake party, easily the most enjoyable Shrove Tuesday to date :)

And in the spirit of Lent, I thought that now would be the perfect time to share with you my new resolutions for my happiness project. Ok, so technically I'm not giving anything up (like chocolate/men/alcohol - you know, the usual), but I will be giving up some bad habits and free time!

Following on from the book I blogged about recently - The Happiness Project by Gretchen Ruben - I indulged in a modest splurge (as she puts it in her book) and purchased a copy. In it she sets out the 12 areas of her life that she would like to improve; in the hope that the changes implemented will boost overall happiness, she focuses on one area per month and sets resolutions to keep.

I'm too dense to work out if you can share a document on a blog post, but heres an example of what mine looks like (poorly copied into Microsoft Paint - seriously, I'm not age 5 any more)...

You can only see a few months here, but I have managed to come up with an entire 12! My resolutions include things like focus on friendships, pursue a passion, giving, increase my potential, and focus on fun. If you can see my little smiley faces in the end column, these indicate the ones I've already completed - so I have already successfully completed all of February's resolutions and am making good progress on March!

I can already comment that I'm feeling much happier after following through on all of February's little tasks - just doing simple things like working out a repayment plan for my credit card and clearing out 5 boxes of stuff for the charity shop have helped to relieve some of the constant level of anxiety I was feeling!

And, as per February's resolution, I am off to Bristol for 4 days tomorrow to visit my friend Maxine. I can hardly wait for another drunken duet of the classic song Kiss (by Prince) in Mr. Wolf's bar, and Bristol's finest PieMinster pies. And later concluding that the obvious late night snack would be toast-on-prawns...or prawn surprise as we like to call it.

me and my pal in Brizzol

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