Wednesday 20 April 2011


Talk about emotional baggage...I honestly don't know how they let me onto an aeroplane with my ready-to-burst suitcases of weighty issues. It really is so incredibly easy to get caught up in your own thoughts and give all your energy to feeding your problems.

I've felt like this recently. Questions of 'What if?' and statements of 'I don't understand' and 'if you look at it this way...' were consuming me, and in all honesty I've had a face on me like an unloved pug.

Yep, major case of sad eyes. Oosh! A change is gonna come!

I read about Get Some Headspace in an old copy of Elle and thought, 'Oh boy, this could be the ticket to fixing my internal monkey!'. Just so you don't think I'm a complete loony, I had a conversation not so long ago with someone about our internal monkeys - you know, the little monkey inside your head that reflects your personality and mental wellbeing etc. My internal monkey was lying in the corner of my mind in the foetal position, clutching a handful of crayons. And it didn't really look like a monkey, it looked like one of those weird goblin things off the old Sprite adverts...

Bad times eh?! So yes, internal monkey needs therapy.

Get Some Headspace was founded by Andy Puddicombe, expert in meditation. He has put together a fantastic website with tools and voice recordings to guide you into the habit of meditating each day. I wasn't really sure about the whole meditation thing to begin with, but after following his 'Take 10' programme I could definitely tell the difference. In 'Take 10', Andy encourages you to take just 10 minutes out of your day for 10 days to sit quietly and clear your mind. Once you've completed this, you then have the option to move onto 'Take 15' and 'Take 20'. I'm currently up to Day 9 of Take 15, and I feel fantastic. I cannot praise this website highly enough, and there's so much helpful information on there. No more sad eyes, no more fixating on things I cannot change. Just a clear mind, better sleep, and being much more productive at revising for impending Psychology exam - cheeky bonus! Women and children first, emotional baggage overboard.

For more information or to start the Get Some Headspace 'Take 10' programme, please go to

p.s. You can even link it to your Facebook account so your friends can track your progress
p.p.s. my internal monkey is now sitting up and happily scribbling away in her colouring-in book

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